Synesthesia is a neurologically based phenomenon in which stimulation of one sensory or cognitive pathway leads to automatic, involuntary experiences in a second sensory or cognitive pathway. In other words you can see colors when looking at numbers or days. You can hear and associate colors or numbers with smells. In the supposed case of N.E.R.D. front man, Pharell Williams, you can sometimes even see sounds.
"Time for Some Action," provides a audio gateway into this kind of experience. Pharell explains the sensation of seeing the sound of the shower when he was younger, allowing the listener to feel the groove beneath the pattering stream and playful laughter from the kids outside. Playful bells and strings, reminiscent of Leave It To Beaver ,tinkle throughout the intro. The cut transforms into thumping bass, hearty drum taps, and cymbal shakes as the shower shuts off. Pharell spits some visual-heavy lover boy lyrics over the brooding sound before spacey vocals take the track from James Brown funk to electro-jazz, before slipping back into their groove. Fantastic track that you can hear, feel, taste, and spend time with.
Grab the track and the whole sound experiment of Seeing Sounds while you're at it. Wait, I think can hear you go buying it...

"Time for Some Action" (props to the kid who came up with this, it works well)
"I'm loving your clothes, especially 'the prints'. You get it, 'the prints'?"
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