My ears' first taste (yeah they can do that) of As Cities Burn was their 2005 screamo-epic Son, I Loved You At Your Darkest. While slightly above the bar (albeit low) by most screamo bands, their still wasn't that musical hand reaching out and pulling you into the swirling noise.
Well after a brief hiatus, departure of lead vocalist T.J. Bonnette, and subsequent switch of guitarist/vocalist Cody Bonnette to lead vocals opened up a new world. Although they still kept the moniker As Cities Burn, this is a whole new band. Much more ambient and jazzy than heavy, the band switched off thundering guitars for brooding organs.
On their newest record, High or Hell Water, these dudes finally perfected their sound. Spanning nine songs and 38 minutes, scale, sway, and at times, bounce from track to track. "84 Sheep Dog" begins urgently with thumping bass and paranoid lyrics (see entry title). "Into the Sea" evokes the nautical theme with with shimmering chords and crashing symbols. Cody croons over "Made Too Pretty" lamenting of materialism, God, and confusion while the band grows from a whisper to a storm. "Petty" (my favorite), one of the more upbeat cuts, grooves as Cody's fluid vocals guide the song like a torch-bearing shaman. The southern-fried "Pirate Blues" provides the last highlight with sway guitars, twinkling keys, and Cody's shaking vocals, singing "Before you, your mom/and your dad used to smoke in the Texas sun/They were young once too./And your mom she found Jesus/while your old man/ stepped out and drew up his veins."
With Hell or High Water, As Cities Burns creates a unique sound that many bands have tried to achieve but fallen short (i.e. This Providence). While dark and stormy, hope shines through this true work of art. Check it out and nag their first release as "the new" As Cities Burn, Come Now Sleep, if you like this. Peacceee

Into The Sea - As Cities Burn
Made Too Pretty - As Cities Burn
Petty - As Cities Burn
"If all the world's a stage then it's not mine
'Cause no one ever stays on you for long
You're gonna be dethroned
You're gonna shed your pride
It keeps growing"
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