Now I thought I had a pretty solid list of top albums of the year. Each record was sitting all dolled up, smugly congratulating each other like they had their spot all locked up. Well wouldn't you know the boys from Thrice drop their newest effort, Beggars, and shake all my shit up.
A true masterpiece, Beggars displays a band who has not only evolved musically and lyrically, but have reached a vantage point on the mountain where few can stand to breathe the air beside them. Each band member stake their claim forcefully in each song, while still maintaining a unified sound. Brothers Ed (bass) and Riley Breckenridge (drums) shape up a hipster skinny-jeans- tight rhythm section, supplying pounding drum beats ("All The World Is Mad") and sludgy bass lines ("Talking Through Glass/We Like Swing Sets").
Not to take anything away from the brothers Breckenridge, but despite their efforts, the true shining stars of the record remain vocalist/guitarist Dustin Kensrue and guitarist/keyboardist Teppei Teranishi. Snatching the spotlight musically, Teranishi plays God on every track, steering each songs direction with his intricate riffs and textured use of keys ("Circles", "Doublespeak"). But don't think Teranishi just lurks in the background like a phantom...no he'll bust out, just see his searing solo in "The Weight" and his reverb-drenched shredding in epic closer "Beggars".
Kensrue, however, is the captain of this ship, showing off the true versatility he possesses vocally. From grizzly barks ("The Weight") to soulful crooning ("In Exile") to a baby-making fragile falsetto ("Beggars"), Kensrue demands you're attention on every track. I've always thought of him as a great vocalist, but this record really establishes him as one of the best out.
The true strength of the record is what we have come to expect from the So-Cal foursome: pure and unaltered substance. Each listen is a true treat, as you discover some small nuance or stroke of genius you missed the last time you played it through. A "gift that keeps on giving" in every sense of the word. I don't say this often so listen up: this is one of those records that reminds me why I love music so much.
I don't know where Beggars will end up on my Top Albums of 2009 list come December, but I'll tell you right now, it's got the #1 spot held down pretty tightly right now.
Buy Beggars
Thrice on MySpace
"If theres one thing I know in this life: we are beggars all..."
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