Ryan Adams announced earlier this week he's siding back up with the guy downstairs, releasing a new record entitled Orion next week, calling it his "most metal album yet." Here's our first taste...sorry Bodom fans, but think more in the the vein of the late 70s-80s definition. Sludgy backing, southern-fried riffage, and Adams even tries his hand at some screams. Too bad when he tries to screech like Brian Johnson he comes off sounding more like Bono (vocally better, but muchhhh less metal). Still rocks, but who else think it'd be infinitely better with one dude in the background just repeatedly screaming eeeeeelectrosnakeeeeee....I'm in for that.
Meanwhile, here's a photo of Ryan's physical transformation into a soldier of the underworld. Brutal brah...

Download: Ryan Adams - "Electrosnake" (direct link)
MySpace: Ryan Adams
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