Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Adult Nights

In Pineapple Express, there is a scene where Sal pulls out his best weed and explains to Dale that this new Pineapple Express is like: "if that Blue Oyster shit met that Afghan Kush I had - and they had a baby. And then, meanwhile, that crazy Northern Light stuff I had and the Super Red Espresso Snowflake met and had a baby. And by some miracle, those two babies met and fucked - this would the shit that they birthed."

If you can stay with me, Adult Nights, the debut album from New Hampshire's Wild Lights lives by the same principal. Except it's like if R.E.M. met The Smiths and they had a baby, while at the same time, The Beach Boys and Coldplay met and they had a baby. You know where this is going. But seriously, you would never imagine that sunshiny surf pop could flow in such an aqueously smooth manner over 80s Brit-pop and it could work so well together. Match that up with first track "California On My Mind", where Jordan Alexander politely tells San Francisco (and then the whole state of California) to go fuck itself, followed immediately by a whining harmonica that zooms across the track like a bumblebee zipping around your front yard. Your left not really sure what to make of this "baby", but I'm fucking digging it right now. Go.


California On My Mind - Wild Light

Lawless River - Wild Light

"Give me a lake that I can dive into, bury my head in the shit at the bottom. Fuck today, fuck San Francisco. Fuck California."

-D Silver

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